FIG Guidelines due to COVID-19

Last updated on 21/03/2020

  • Entry to FIG will be via the back door with the front door as exit only.
  • No-one is to enter the hall until all the volunteers are done. This might be after 2pm.
  • Everyone who arrives is asked to please queue at the back door under cover with some distance between yourselves.
  • We will be limiting entry to the hall at any one time; this will mean only five people at a time in the hall (plus volunteers) to ensure some social distancing – three shopping, one at the weighing desk and one at the paying desk. As one person leaves, another may enter.
  • Although this is difficult to ask, we do request that you limit the bringing of your children to FIG where possible. Little children scoot about and whilst they may not display symptoms, could still be carriers. Perhaps you could make arrangements with friends to mind children in the back yard area.
  • We will continue to request that you wash your hands with soap and water upon entry. We also have hand sanitiser.
  • Tongs are available to pack your produce into bags, and we also have gloves for use by volunteers.
  • Volunteers will continue to ensure benches and scales are wiped regularly.
  • We will be limiting volunteers at any given time during opening hours.
  • No cardboard boxes are to be returned for reuse and we shall wash all bags between Mondays; please place your FIG bag when you arrive into the labelled container and these will be taken home to wash. The black crates can be returned and will be washed.

Our aims are to keep our members and volunteers protected as much as possible and to keep the co-op open.

We hope that with the above measures in place, FIG will continue to trade. However, please keep in mind that at any stage we might need to temporarily close, and we thank you for your patience and understanding.